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Where to Place a Thermometer in an Aquarium

Aquarium Thermometer

Tropical and Freshwater fish both need water in a specific temperature reach to best flourish. The best approach to keep a fish at the ideal temperature is to put a thermometer in their tank. I did some examination to locate the best place to put your aquarium thermometer.

If an aquarium thermometer isn’t used, the water may not be healthy for fish. The water would alter in temperature, which causes a lot of stress for aquatic life. They might not always be the most pleasant aspect of an aquarium. However, if you hide it correctly, it would be beneficial.

Do many aquarium keepers ask where to put a thermometer in an aquarium? However, there are a TON of different aquarium thermometers to purchase. In this article, we will show you where to place a thermometer for a saltwater and freshwater aquarium. All of the different thermometers for aquarium fish will be described and ranked below to give you an idea of the different types!

When finding a place to put your thermometer in your aquarium, it is crucial to keep it out of direct sunlight. Direct sunlight may alter the accuracy of the temperature for your aquarium, which may kill fish and livestock with false readings of the aquarium’s thermometer. The placement of the thermometer should be above where the gravel is and at a proper midpoint in the aquarium. When placing your thermometer in the aquarium, ensure that the thermometer is relatively far away from the heater. A close heater may result in false readings of the thermometer and kill fish in the process, which is bad for your home aquarium. When choosing a thermometer, have one that is easy to read!

Where to Place an Aquarium Thermometer?

A discussion in the aquarium community often relates to differences between saltwater and freshwater aquariums. However, on the topic of thermometers, the placement between saltwater and freshwater aquariums don’t matter all that much! As mentioned throughout the article, the key to success is the proper placement of the thermometer in the aquarium.

We will go over the crucial factors on where to place the thermometer below. Keep reading to get an in-depth analysis of the exact place to put your aquarium heater!

Out of Direct Sunlight

When finding a place to put your thermometer, make sure the thermometer is out of direct sunlight. If direct sunlight is constantly on the thermometer, it will provide the item with false readings. Therefore, the water might not be at the correct temperature. Direct sunlight may also be on the thermometer for a long time, the reader then has the potential to explode from overheating. This action will result in the death of your fish. I have also heard of instances where the thermometer begins to melt. The thermometer melts because of all the sunlight and heat to the object. Make sure to check your thermometer often and closely to ensure no issues are present. Always check your windows to make sure light is not shining on your aquarium. If it is, you have to cover the window. Another option is to move the aquarium.

Away From the Heater

The heater can cause a ton of damage to different objects in your aquarium. For example, fish can burn their fins on the heater and die. Plants may rub up against the heater and begin to go sour. However, a thermometer may be close to a heater, and false readings are present. The poor readings from the thermometer may be more dangerous than the other factors listed above. Like direct sunlight, false readings and the risk of explosions are present. Always check on your thermometer to make sure it doesn’t move close to the heater in your aquarium. If this action occurs, make sure to move it immediately for the sake of the wildlife in the aquarium.

Above the Gravel and Sand

The thermometer should be above the sand and gravel at all times! If not, the sand and gravel may interfere with the readings of the thermometer. The pebbles and sand particles would get stuck in the readings and cause an inaccurate reading. False readings of the thermometer can be deadly for anything alive in your aquarium. That is why it is crucial to make sure it is clean at all times. We recommend cleaning the thermometer once a week to ensure everything is recorded correctly. A good rule of thumb for placement is keeping it an inch above the middle of your aquarium. Keeping the thermometer an inch above half way ensures that nothing will defect the readings!

Thermometer Options For Your Home Aquarium

Zacro LCD Digital Aquarium Thermometer Fish Tank Water Terrarium Temperature

This thermometer is more high tech than most thermometers found in a home aquarium. You may be asking yourself: “Where do I put my thermometer in my aquarium?” However, this aquarium thermometer can be placed just about anywhere that is out of sunlight, away from the heater, and above the gravel. The thermometer has a suction cup feature on the back that offers easy placement! The size is measured at less than 3 inches in length is suitable for freshwater and saltwater aquariums.

JW Pet Company Smart Temp Thermometer Aquarium Accessory

If you are looking for a thermometer that is very easy to read, this is the one for you! JW Pet Company creates many different pet products, and this product is perfect for your freshwater or saltwater aquarium. The thermometer has a very unique holding technique that allows it to pair well with your home aquarium. With the larger size of the thermometer, make sure to place it above the gravel line!

Aquarium Thermometer, Digital Touch Screen Fish Tank Thermometer With Large LCD Display, Stick-on Tank Temperature Sensor

This home aquarium thermometer offers a high-tech feel and appearance for any saltwater or freshwater aquarium. The thermometer can be placed anywhere on the outside of the aquarium that is out of direct sunlight. This unique design also has a touch screen feature to avoid the messy occurrence with thermometers in aquariums. This home aquarium thermometer is very easy to operate as well!

In Conclusion

Keeping an aquarium thermometer is crucial for an aquarium to be healthy and happy. The placement of the thermometer is the most important part when it comes to aquariums. If placed incorrectly, the aquarium will not function correctly for all of the fish.

When selecting an aquarium thermometer, it is crucial to do a ton of shopping to find the best one. Each aquarium requires a different thermometer to perfect the conditions. When putting aquarium thermometers in different places, each brand may do a better job.

Enjoy your aquarium, and please submit pictures of your fish tanks! We are adding a home aquarium featured section and would love to showcase your aquarium.

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