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Best Saltwater Butterflyfish for Reef Tank


Butterflyfish are some of the most unique and colorful fish in an aquarium. Many Butterflyfish consist of bright colors that catch the eye of many aquarium hobbyists! These fish can be found all over the world by scuba divers and snorkelers. There is a reason why so many people want one as a pet in their home aquarium. Owning a reef tank can be difficult at times and may cause frustration. However, an established reef system is a beautiful piece of art for any home.

When owning a reef aquarium, the most difficult part is choosing fish for the fish tank. However, one of the best types of fish is Butterflyfish! In this article, we discuss the top reasons why saltwater fish is so great! Keep on reading to discover the top trends with Butterflyfish.

Butterflyfish Diet

Butterflyfish’s diet is composed of a variety of food and dietary needs. However, these fish tend to favor meaty foods that consist of high protein! The number one option to feed the Butterfly Fish is brine shrimp! Brine shrimp consists of the protein and natural diet specifications! Most Butterfly Fish’s appearance consists of a long nose, which allows the fish to eat small shrimp and plants between live rock! In the ocean and natural reefs, these fish eat natural prey such as algae, sponges, and coral. However, in the natural home aquarium, these fish eat just about anything! One of their favorite foods consists of tiny inverts. Therefore, be cautious if you have tiny hermit crabs or shrimp in the aquarium with the Butterfly Fish! 

Regarding the diet of the fish, keep an eye on the fish swimming around corals. The Butterfly Fish have been known to nip at smaller corals in a home aquarium. If corals contain small bit marks, separate the fish from the expensive Kenya trees and corals! However, the food present should be a good balance between vegetation and meaty foods. When you feed your fish, the Butterfly Fish is best fed several times throughout the day. When you feed them multiple times, this will decrease the urge to eat corals and inverts in the home aquarium.

Specific Behavior

Each Butterfly Fish has a different attitude and tendency. Every species varies in aggression and overall diet. In the wild, these fish travel in schools to obtain food and avoid predators. When these fish find a mate, they tend to live the rest of their lives together. As a couple, the fish find several aspects to help them stay healthy. For example, breeding, eating, and finding a home!

Regarding the aggression of the Butterflyfish, they are semi-aggressive. However, each fish is different. Therefore, monitor the behavior of your fish. I have heard horror stories of these fish becoming nasty and mean. When scared, these fish can hide in small places. For example, if you make too much noise around your aquarium, the fish will hide in live rock. The ability helps the fish thrive and live healthily.

Home Aquarium Requirements

When keeping a Butterflyfish aquarium, the size is the most important part. We recommend keeping the fish in a pretty big tank. For a minimum size aquarium, keep the fish in a 75-gallon home aquarium. If you keep the fish in a smaller aquarium, the stress will become unbearable for the livestock. When stressed, these fish are quick to develop diseases. Ich is the number one concern when bacteria are present.

The aquarium should have a ton of live rock. The live rock allows the fish to feel at home! Combining these two elements will keep the Butterflyfish happy and stress-free. For the temperature, keep the heating consistent at 72 – 77 degrees for maximum health. Like other fish, the nitrates and nitrites should be at zero. Test the water twice a week to ensure the tank is safe.

Reef-Safe Butterflyfish

The fish below consist of Butterfly Fish that can typically be kept in a reef-safe aquarium. However, always take caution when you purchase one. Ask your local fish store for all the information possible! This is our list of the best reef safe Butterfly Fish!

Copperband Butterfly

The Copperband Butterfly is one of the most popular fish in the saltwater home aquarium scene. This fish can be found in a ton of hobbyist’s tanks around the country and world! Regarding the aggression, this fish may be the most peaceful Butterfly Fish out of every option. These fish thrive in large reef aquariums that are over 125-gallons. Avoid smaller inverts and feather dusters. These fish are known to nip at smaller species. The most difficult part about owning this fish is getting them to eat! Start with brine shrimp, then introduce other dietary options!

Yellow Longnose Butterfly

The Yellow Longnose Butterfly is one of the easier fish to take care of. The fish has a long nose that is used to obtain small food throughout a reef. In the wild, these fish can be found in school roaming corals. If you are starting to get into Butterfly Fish, this fish is a perfect option! Take action to feed them a variety of meaty foods such as shrimp and frozen dietary options.

Raccoon Butterfly (NOT REEF SAFE)

The Raccoon Fish is known for the yellow appearance on the body. Around the eyes, this fish contains a black and white color. The black and white resemble a raccoon that is found on land! We do not recommend having this fish in a reef home aquarium. They will eat a ton of your tiny inverts, which includes corals. This fish is best for a beginner fish only tank with a ton of room to swim. Regarding the diet, please feed this fish meaty foods like shrimp and frozen foods.

In Conclusion

In conclusion, you now know the best Butterflyfish for a reef aquarium! Be careful when selecting this fish. Some species are NOT reef-safe. However, there is a handful that would be a great addition. Always ask your local fish store questions before purchasing a Butterflyfish. These fish are usually one of the hardest fish to take care of. The most difficult part is getting them to eat in a new aquarium. Once you get the fish to eat, they are typically easy to take care of. However, avoid putting smaller inverts in the aquarium. These fish love to eat tiny inverts that fit in the long small nose. Their diet consists of small meaty foods and other frozen options. If you have any questions, feel free to always send us a message! We want to make sure your home aquarium is happy and healthy!

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