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Best Saltwater Fish for 55-Gallon Tank

Saltwater Fish for 55 Gallon Tank

A 55-gallon aquarium is best for a saltwater tank beginner because of the large size and ability to have a stable reading on parameters. Many saltwater fish need a tank larger than 55 gallons. However, there are still a ton of unique and flashy fish to put in your saltwater aquarium! In this list, we will be going over the best options for a 55-gallon saltwater tank!

When you look at saltwater aquarium fish to buy, you tend to pick the fish that have the most color. Sometimes it can be concerning because of the number of options. However, only certain types of saltwater fish can live in a 55-gallon aquarium. Some of the colorful fish grow too big for the aquarium, and they are unable to swim. Some fish require a circular aquarium to protect themselves from self-harm. Therefore, we provided this long list of the best saltwater fish for your aquarium!

Why a 55-Gallon Saltwater Aquarium?

There are a ton of options to choose from regarding saltwater aquariums. Each aquarium has different dimensions and appearances. The 55-gallon aquarium is considered to be the best size for any hobbyist. With the 55 gallon aquarium, the owner can add a variety of fish and corals. Most corals grow in proportion to the aquarium. Therefore you can add just about any coral to the tank. For saltwater fish, you should research possible housing options! These facts emphasize the quality and ability of the 55-gallon aquarium.

Best Saltwater Fish for 55-Gallon Aquarium

When choosing fish for a 55-gallon aquarium, personality is a huge factor to keep in mind. Choosing too many fish that are active can stress the fish in your aquarium, which leads to further problems. Here is our top best fish for a 55-gallon aquarium.


The clownfish is a signature fish for any saltwater fanatic, the popular aspect is due to the movie Finding Nemo winning the hearts of everyone who saw the film. When it comes to behavior, this fish can generally get along with the most peaceful and semi-aggressive saltwater fish. These fish can be found in a ton of different colors. But, their signature color is the orange and white stripes. The clownfish is a joy to have! The fish can notice their owner and swim to the glass. 

The best part about the clownfish is that they only require a small amount of space in a saltwater aquarium. Throwing an anemone in the aquarium will also benefit them, as this fish will have a symbolic relationship with the invert. They can also be kept in a reef aquarium and will not harm any inverts in the system!

Flame Angelfish

The Flame Angel has a bright red appearance that many aquarium hobbyists love and sought for by hobbyists. If you decide to obtain this fish for your saltwater aquarium, keep in mind, it shouldn’t be housed with other angelfish. However, a single angelfish can be a unique choice for a 55-gallon saltwater aquarium due to the angelfish staying small in size. Keep in mind these fish are semi-aggressive and should be kept with other fish in this category.

Mandarin Goby

The Mandarin Goby comes in several variations within color and size. However, they are sought after by hobbyists due to the vibrant colors and unique body the fish presents. The best part about these fish is that they only require a small space to be happy and healthy. Most of the time they can be found perching around the bottom of the aquarium on the sand or gravel.

One factor to keep in mind is that they are mainly for experienced aquarium experts. Feeding these gobies can be very challenging if you are new to the saltwater aquarium hobby. The Mandarin Goby prefers to eat live copepods, which can be bought in a bottle. However, they function best when there is a natural population already in the aquarium. Once you have the Goby in your 55-gallon saltwater aquarium, they can eventually be trained to eat frozen shrimp and prime shrimp. 

Six Line Wrasse

The Six Line Wrasse is hands down my favorite aquarium saltwater fish. With the relatively cheap price point and the active movements within the aquarium, this makes the wrasse a golden ticket option. Usually, these fish can be found at your local fish store for less than $40! The best part about owning one of these wrasses is seeing how active it is when swimming between live rocks and corals. They can be housed in an aquarium of around 30 gallons and can be used in a reef aquarium. When selecting other fish, choose community fish that go well with others to house with the Six Line Wrasse. This fish a perfect option for a saltwater aquarium that is 55 gallons!

Green Chromis


If you are looking for a perfect schooling fish that can be used in a 55-gallon aquarium, then you found your fish! The Green Chromis is a great option in any saltwater aquarium setting that has a community atmosphere! With their vibrant colors, this fish can pop out in any aquarium that has a school. Their lifespan is up to 15 years in a saltwater aquarium, giving you entertainment for years to come. The Green Chromis tends to leave corals alone, making them a perfect option for a 55-gallon reef aquarium.

Firefish Goby

The Firefish Goby presents a unique appearance, unlike any other saltwater home aquarium fish. These Gobies are known as peaceful aquarium mates and should be housed with similar temperaments. In regards to a 55-gallon saltwater aquarium, you can have several of these gobies in there! We recommend placing up to three Firefish Gobies in the aquarium. However, if you decide to keep this fish, make sure to have a secure top on your 55-gallon aquarium due to its ability to jump out of water. During my time owning several of these without a lid, I have witnessed many jumping out!

In Conclusion

After reading our top saltwater fish for a 55-gallon aquarium, you now have options! Before purchasing fish, always talk to your local fish store about the possible additions. We recommend purchasing aquariums from family-owned businesses instead of major corporations! If you have any questions, feel free to send us a message!

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