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Can my Fish Hear me?

Tiger Oscar

When you purchase a fish from your local fish store, you tend to form a relationship with the pet! As you look at the fish through the glass or acrylic, you tend to give the livestock a name! After bringing the fish to your home aquarium, you interact with the pet every day! After a while, you start to talk to the fish, and the fish tends to look at you. However, can your fish hear you when you talk? The question is not so simple. Different types of species have different hearing methods.

For example, the Goldfish has two layers of hearing sound in the body. The two layers in the aquatic fish’s body allow the fish to hear noises. However, some species of inverts lack the proper body functions to hear sounds. But in general, most fish can hear the noise. In this article, we will be going over more in-depth various types of freshwater fish and hearing methods. Keep reading to discover how your pet can hear noises in and out of the home aquarium!

Can I tap on the Fish Tank’s Glass?

When it comes to hearing noises, freshwater fish are sensitive when it comes to frequencies. When you see a fish swimming around in a fish tank looking at you, it may be tempting to tap the glass or acrylic. However, fish do not adapt well to the vibrations and sounds in the water. Imagine being trapped in a glass and hearing a tapping sound. The same concept applies to a freshwater fish trapped in a glass fish tank. Fish live every day with the reduction of stress. the goal of owning a home aquarium is to eliminate the rate of stress that comes into the freshwater fish. When a fish becomes too stressed, diseases start to develop on the fish. You should never make too much noise when you are around your fish tank. The fish can hear the loud noises from the exterior of the aquarium as well.

Fish Hearing?

In general, fish are excellent swimmers. They can swim away from predators in the ocean. However, when danger occurs, can fish hear? When you look at a fish’s appearance, they do not have physical ears. However, the function of an ear is stored in the head of the fish. Regarding the inside of an aquarium, fish have sensors in their bodies that can determine where decor and plants are in the home aquarium. An interesting fact is that a human’s evolution in the hearing came from a fish. 

Do Fish Recognize People?

As an aquarium owner, you recognize all of the fish in your aquarium. As listed above, you probably gave some of the fish in your home aquarium names. However, can fish recognize people and their owners? The simple answer to the question is yes! I was humored when I found out that the fish love looking out of the aquarium just as much as I enjoy looking at the home aquarium as a whole. I sometimes wonder what fish are thinking when they see us moving from the couch or eating food. When comparing a 400-gallon aquarium to a 10-gallon aquarium, fish have the same abilities when it comes to seeing their surroundings.

Fish are labeled as being dumb and not smart. However, some fish are intelligent and can recognize their owners! In general, fish only care about one thing. Food! Fish can identify changes in the home aquarium, and they can adjust accordingly. If you are looking for fish that are a bit smarter and have more personality, you came to the right article! Here is a list of some of the smartest freshwater fish!


Oscar fish such as the Tiger Oscar is one of the smartest freshwater fish available. With enough time, these freshwater fish can learn tricks! The next time you have a friend come over, show them your Tiger Oscar doing flips in the home aquarium! One note of caution is that these freshwater fish are aggressive and should not be placed in a community fish tank. However, the downside is that Oscar requires a ton of work and maintenance. When the Oscar becomes familiar with their environment, you can even hand feed them any food! Oscars function best when kept in a school of more than five. Conduct research before purchasing this freshwater fish!


Discus are some of the most beautiful freshwater fish you can purchase. However, they require large aquariums because of how large they grow in size. If you are not an experienced aquarium hobbyist, do not start housing the Discus fish. These fish require the aquarium water parameters to be close to perfect to ensure that the health is proper. Feed the Discus an array of meaty foods with protein. At first, these fish might not eat. However, give the freshwater fish time to get adjusted to the aquarium.

Freshwater Pufferfish

Freshwater pufferfish is one of the most interesting and cute freshwater fish to have. However, the puffer is aggressive when it comes to other fish tank members. For the fish’s diet, feed the pufferfish meaty hard shells. The hard shells allow the freshwater pufferfish to bite down and trim the beaks that they have for their mouths. I recommend only keeping the pufferfish with other pufferfish. I have seen horrors of newbies buying puffers and putting them in an aquarium with community fish. Do your research before purchasing these fish. However, they have one of the best personalities I have seen in a freshwater fish! 


Goldfish are the backbone of fish to have when it comes to home aquariums. They are great for any beginner new to having freshwater fish. When you think of the goldfish, you think of people keeping them in plastic fish bowls that are small. However, many hobbyists keep them in large aquariums because of their personality! A fun fact is that these common fish can grow up to 15 inches when they are living in the wild. The Goldfish will eat just about anything, but they are very messy. Therefore you will have to perform water changes often. After a while, these fish will recognize you as their owner and show emotion.


Angelfish are some of the most fascinating freshwater aquariums have to offer. The freshwater angelfish is very slow in movement and is known to be a showcase fish. They are usually the focal point of your aquarium and will grow huge. The angelfish have a widespread diet consisting of plants and meaty foods. The normal fish flakes will do well for the fish! Keep in mind, as the angelfish grow larger, they tend to be more aggressive. Therefore, keep a close eye on the fish that are in your aquarium. As the Angelfish grows in size, they may start bullying the smaller fish in your aquarium.

In Conclusion

You now know that your special freshwater aquarium fish can hear you! Be careful about being loud around your aquarium. This can cause the fish to become stressed and develop diseases. When you keep a fish, they are considered a pest. Therefore, treat them with care like how you would with a dog or a cat. If you are looking for a specific fish that has a ton of personality, check out one of the fish listed above. We recommend the Tiger Oscar out of all the fish! However, only keep this Oscar with other aggressive fish! If you ever have any questions, feel free to send us a message! We want to help with the success of your home aquarium.

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