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Best Freshwater Cichlids for Beginners

Begineer Cichlid

Keeping cichlids in your aquarium is great. Many people keep minnows and goldfish in the aquarium. But keeping cichlids is a different experience. Cichlids are good at interaction, only a few fishes can do that, and they are attractive fishes. Most cichlids recognize their owners, and they are dedicated parents. They carry their eggs in their mouths to keep them safe and guide their babies towards food. But all cichlids are not the same, and it is hard to keep some of these fish. Some species are delicate and will die. Other species are highly aggressive. Following is the list of some cichlids which are easy to keep.

Convict Cichlids (Amatitlania Nigrofasciata)

If there is one cichlid that is agreed upon, it is possibly the convict cichlid. These fish are exceptionally tough, quick to breed, and highly prolific. If anyone wants to get familiar with what a cichlid has to offer, then these are the ideal fish. Convict cichlids are easy to breed, and their belly takes on a reddish color when a female matures. If an individual does not have a large aquarium, begin with only one breeding pair. The only hard part of holding these fish is possibly trying to find out what to do with all the eggs. Although these fish can be kept in community tanks, it is recommended that they should be in aquariums of one species. During spawning, they are notoriously vicious and can terrorize a fish tank.

There are multiple accounts of them killing any fish in their tank, including much massive, more violent fish. Their aquarium must be filtered with a solid HOB filter, or canister filter in optimal conditions, as convict cichlids actively dig and rearrange their tank. A second filter may be attached to the tank for additional biological filtration. The factor allows keeping the water clean.

Firemouth Cichlid (Thorichthys meeki)

In the aquarium hobby, the firemouth cichlid has been essential, and although it’s not as common as it once was, it’s still an outstanding beginner cichlid. It’s hardy, like the convict cichlid, and it breeds quickly. What distinguishes it from the convicted cichlid is that it spawns at a slower rate. The spawn ensures that a fry won’t overload an aquarium. Such fish can easily coexist with other freshwater cichlids, but because firemouth cichlids are aggressive throughout spawning, they should not be kept with fish that are non-aggressive. Most cichlids of similar sizes can hold their ground throughout breeding alongside a firemouth cichlid, but non-aggressive fish can be intimidated and may be harmed.

Kribensis Cichlid (Pelvicachromis pulcher)

If an aquarist is searching for a marginally smaller cichlid, then a wonderful alternative is kribensis cichlids. These fish are beautifully colored, as well as undemanding and friendly fish. They survive nicely in small groups and spend most of their time weaving in and out of caves and ornaments. These fish are difficult to breed than the other fish on this list, so a different cichlid may be a better choice if anyone is interested in breeding cichlids. Typically, Kribensis cichlids only breed in soft water, and having the conditions correct in their aquarium to cause spawning can be difficult.

Bolivian Ram Cichlids (Mikrogeophagus altispinosa)

An underappreciated dwarf cichlid, the Bolivian ram is an outstanding option for a beginner cichlid. They are still an attractive fish and are often used as an alternative to the troublesome German rams, although their colors are not as striking as German rams.

Not only are they stronger than German rams, but in the aquarium trade, they do not suffer the same brutality. These fish are quick to raise, and watching a male court a female by quickly shifting his head back and forth and bobbing up and down is very amusing. Bolivian rams show outstanding parental care, escorting their fries around the aquarium, protecting them, and seeking food for them. In a group aquarium, Bolivian rams are one of the few cichlids that appear to do well. Although they are still protective, mid-dwelling fish, especially in large aquariums, are often left alone. Before adding these fish, it’s always best to be ready for problems.

Blue Ram Cichlids (Mikrogeophagus ramirezi)

Blue ram is beautiful and vivid in colors and a great choice for beginners. They can be a gorgeous addition to the aquarium. Their common size is about 2 to 3 inches. The Male is thinner as compared to the female and have sharper top fins. They belong to a tropical climate hence needed water climate between 78 to 82? Fahrenheit. The fish are easy to breed, and these fish can be kept in community tanks. They should be kept along with peaceful fish like angelfish, guppies, or tetra. That makes them an ideal fish.

Blood Patrrot

They are commonly known as parrot cichlid. The fish are bright orange but also available in red and yellow. They could be modified by injecting dye of different colors hence a beautiful option for beginners to keep in their aquarium. They can grow up to 8 inches in size, and their life expectancy is 10 to 15 years. Blood parrots are usually hardy. They can feed on the leftover food and are shy. They can survive in a wide range of pH that is 6 to 8 and water climate between 78 to 82? Fahrenheit.

Severum (Heros serverus)

Severum is a very large South American cichlids, and they are also known as hero cichlids, banded cichlids, and eye-spot cichlids. They are silver in color with an orange mark followed by 6 or 7 black bands that run towards the tail in a horizontal pattern. They are larger and can grow up to over 10 inches. It requires soft and slightly acidic water having a pH between 6 to 7 and temperature ranges between 72 to 84? Fahrenheit. Hero cichlids are omnivores, and they can eat live plants. They are good in the community but became territorial during the breeding season.

Agassiz’s Dwarf Cichlids (Apistogramma agassizii)

Agassiz’s dwarf cichlids are among the small cichlids with vivid color patterns that make them one of the most desired cichlids for beginners. They have colors like blue, red and golden. The fish can easily enhance the beauty of the aquarium. Their size ranges between 2 to 3 inches. They are smaller in size easily manageable. There make is usually larger as compared to female.

They are a bit delicate, but they do not need a massive tank. They are the best tank mates with other small and less aggressive fish. Provide them with small rocks and pots, and they shall live happily there. They are hardy and require a water pH level that is 7, and water climate ranges between 73 to 81? Fahrenheit. Their life span in captivity is 10 to 12 years that make them essential for beginners who are planning to keep fish for a long time.

Angelfish ( Pterophyllum scalare)

Angelfish are unusually shaped cichlids. They are laterally compressed with triangular fins. That makes them different and eye-catching for aquarium purposes. They are among the most commonly kept freshwater fish. They are admired for their unique and unusual shape. The fish also have a color pattern, due to which they can easily camouflage themselves with leaves. There are more than ten commonly known colors of angelfish. They require a range of pH that is 6 to 8, along with a water climate near 80? Fahrenheit. They are very easy for breeding purposes as they form a long term bond with their partner. The fish are good with other fish as well. They are kept in a semi-aggressive category. Tetra and barbs are highly compatible with the angelfish.

Keyhole Cichlids (Cleitharacara maronii)

Keyhole is a very peaceful and beautiful species of cichlids. They are very shy and always back down from a fight that makes them nonaggressive and an option for the beginners to keep them. They are usually light orange with a black band near the eye and a black spot near the tail. The fish can grow up to 5 inches. They need a normal water pH of 6 to 7. The fish can survive the water temperature between 70 to 82? Fahrenheit. They also want plenty of hiding spaces as they are shy.

Rainbow Cichlids (Herotilpia multispinosa)

Rainbow cichlids are non-competitive and can be kept very easily within the aquarium with other fish like tetras, catfish, and blue ram. These fish are known for their magnificent color palette. They are generally yellow with red and brown hints. And a beautiful black spot that runs from the eye towards the tail. They are usually 5 to 7 inches in size. Males grow extended dorsal and anal fins and are larger as compared to females. Rainbow cichlids require alkaline water. Water pH should be kept between 6.5 to 8 and a temperature between 72 to 77? Fahrenheit. Rainbow cichlids are beginner-friendly, and for a range of tank conditions, they appear to breed well enough in tanks and are sturdy. They behave well with tiny tank mates and are naturally omnivorous.

Oscar (Astronotus ocellatus)

Although it may be unusual to include the Oscar on a list of beginner cichlids, a fish sometimes portrayed as a football with fins, it is one of the easiest cichlids to carry. The bigger an aquarium, paradoxically, the simpler it is to manage. And since Oscars live in large aquariums, keeping the water quality stable and the fish safe is usually easier. It is possible to keep Oscars alone or in pairs. They will welcome their owners and are always thrilled to see them as a puppy. And when it’s time to feed, they go wild. They are not too aggressive for such a big fish and infrequently cause conflicts with other fish in the tank.

When paired, these fish breed very quickly, but in the case of these fish, putting a pair together does not guarantee that they will bond. It’s better to buy a bonded pair of oscar or buy six juveniles and then let them pair off. Some of the catfish, silver dollar fish, and less violent cichlids like them, such as convicts, are some of the better options for Oscar tankmates. But some fish may coexist with one oscar peacefully, while another oscar may attack the fish ruthlessly and even kill it. Each Oscar has its personality, and when you first introduce some new fish into its tank, you should be careful. The desire to feed Freshwater Cichlids human foods is crucial to resist, as they are very high in fat.

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