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How Aggressive are Moray Eels?

Moray Eel

Moray eels are one of the most beautiful saltwater creatures in the ocean. When divers are in the ocean in places like Hawaii, they often see this aquatic animal. Most divers have home aquariums at their house! However, the question is, can I have a Moray Eel in my fish tank? The answer is, YES! Moray Eels can be housed in a saltwater home aquarium with a ton of other livestock! They are some of the most unique options for a fish tank! In this article, we will be going over their aggression levels and habits!

What is a Moray Eel?

A Moray Eel is a unique fish that can be found all over the world. These aquatic animals can be found swimming around the live rock and snacking on smaller meaty fish! Their body consists of a slippery and long sculpture that is easy to move. When confronting the Moray Eel in the wild, take precautions to make sure they do not attack. When startled in the ocean, these fish can become very aggressive as a defensive method. I have heard of divers being attacked while deep in the water, and unfortunately, deaths occurring. Therefore these creatures can be a predator under different circumstances. However, in an aquarium setting, these eels are not aggressive.

The Moray Eel is one of 15 eels that are found around the live rock and coral reefs. These eels are found around the live rock and reefs because of how easy it is to find food. When the Moray Eel is born, they tend to follow the acts of their parents. Once the eel is large enough, the fish will separate on their own and find a place to make a home. The creatures can travel through tiny holes in the live rock and find prey.

During the day, these fish can be found in the dark. However, they are more active at night and tend to hunt for food. When the sun is out, these fish tend to rest! If you are diving during the daytime, do not mess with these eels! The eels will be quite aggressive if disturbed when they are resting. These fish are incredible hiding. The Moray Eel has the ability t blend in with just about anything! The only body parts that stick out are the eel’s heads and teeth!

Are Moray Eels Aggressive?

When you look at a Moray Eel, they look aggressive and mean! However, the eels are generally not aggressive and even peaceful to other fish. Eels tend to attack smaller fish that they can fit in their mouth and shellfish! As mentioned above, these fish feast at night! However, these eels can be aggressive in specific conditions. If they are frightened or feel threatened, these fish will bite in self-defense. The eels have a ton of teeth and another layer that can be utilized to take out threats. Therefore, do not annoy these fish when they are resting! When you go diving in the open water, do not swim near their home!

Moray Eel in a Home Aquarium

Like other saltwater fish, Moray Eels can be kept in a home aquarium! However, you must check several factors before purchasing one! Keep reading to identify what you should check before going to your local fish store and buying one!

Other Fish in the Aquarium

When you purchase a saltwater aquarium, you must decide if your tank will be a community or aggressive tank. Moray Eels fall into the category of semi-aggressive. The Moray Eel is a mix of both and can be aggressive depending on the circumstance. For example, if you have a small Goby in your aquarium, they may fall victim to your eel. If you keep an eel in your aquarium, make sure they can not fit the other fish in your aquarium in their mouth. Another factor to watch is checking the inverts in your aquarium. These eels have inverts in their diet, and your inverts may get devoured. On the other hand, do not purchase saltwater fish that are too aggressive and may harm the eel. You want a perfect balance for both aggression and size!

Size of the Aquarium

Another factor to keep in mind is the size of the saltwater aquarium. When keeping any saltwater fish, you want to make sure they have enough room to swim. Fortunately, eels do not spend their time swimming too much. Thankfully the eels find a spot on the live rock and tend to stay there as their home. In general, eels grow to be a huge size! Therefore compared to other smaller fish, these eels need large aquariums! We recommend keeping Moray Eels in at least a 75-gallon aquarium. The 75-gallon system allows the eel to swim at night and find prey. In the wild, these fish can grow a couple of feet. Depending on the size of your aquarium, they can also get that big in a closed environment. Keep these factors in mind when purchasing a fish tank!

Food for the Eel

Eels are like pigs when it comes to feeding and diet preferences. The Moray Eel will eat just about anything the fish can fit in their mouth! However, they prefer meaty foods that have a ton of protein to keep them going throughout the night. We recommend getting the fish hooked on frozen brine shrimp! Getting your eel to eat frozen brine shrimp is easy. Take the frozen shrimp out of the freezer and place the food in a cup of filtered water. After the shrimp is free in the water, add a splash of garlic to help the immune system!

Then dump all of the food in the aquarium. Over time, the eel will start to enjoy the shrimp, and they will thrive! Check the rate of food that you are feeding your aquarium. I have heard more situations of fish dying due to overfeeding instead of not feeding them enough. The Moray Eel can survive by only eating once every couple of days. Feeding your aquarium less will result in better water parameters for your tank!

Water Parameters

The water parameters are crucial when it comes to keeping an eel. Regarding the temperature of your aquarium, keep the setting at 70 to 80 degrees for the best results. The eel is usually found in tropical and warm climates around the world. Like other fish requirements, the pH should remain consistent around 8.2. In regards to the salinity of your aquarium, the specific gravity should be around 1.020! When discussing the filtration of your aquarium, always invest in a high-quality system. We also recommend using a protein skimmer to remove additional and unwanted waste in the aquarium. When you feed the fish, the Moray Eel tends to create a mess. Therefore conduct water changes on a regular schedule with filtered water.

Aquarium Decor

Aquarium decor is crucial for the health and safety of your Moray Eel. When keeping an eel in your aquarium, make sure to have a tight-fitting lid on the tank. The lid will prevent your eel from jumping out of the system and dying! Therefore always invest money in a proper lid. You will thank me later! Regarding the actual decor of your aquarium, make sure to purchase decor with caves. If you are using live rock, decorate your aquarium with natural caves that give the eel room to roam. The biggest aspect is making sure the fish have cover when they feel threatened or scared! When you buy decor, make sure the decorations are not spiked or harsh on the ends. The rough ends can cause cuts in the eel’s body.

In Conclusion

You now know what the expectations are for owning a Moray Eel! Even though these fish look aggressive, the eel is not considered to be aggressive on normal occasions. The fish only shows aggression when they feel under attack or threatened by another fish. When adding other fish to your home aquarium, make sure they are typically large. The Moray Eel will eat just about any fish that they can fit in their mouth. When keeping the eel in your aquarium, always conduct water changes to ensure your aquarium is happy and healthy. Test the water every week to ensure your fish will be properly cared for. If you have any questions about the Moray Eel, send us a message! We want to assist with all of your aquarium needs!

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