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How Long can my Fish go Without Food?

Fish Eating

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When going on vacation, your first thought is, how long can my fish go without eating? Different fish have different dietary habits and restrictions. Therefore, it is crucial to look at your fish species before asking this question. For example, a 5-pound fish will need more food than a tiny fish. You may also try to bring your fish when you go on vacation. This method is possible, but not ideal for the average person! In this article, we will be going over several factors that contribute to the length your fish can go without eating. Generally, a fish can go for several days without eating. However, we will be going over more in-depth factors that lead to your fish being left alone in the aquarium. 

How old is Your Aquarium?

The age of your aquarium is crucial for the survival of your fish. The same concept goes for most things in this world. The older something is, the more stable. An aquarium is established with several beneficial components to it, such as bacteria and creatures. If an aquarium has been running for a while, there is less of a risk of a disaster occurring! However, for a new aquarium, the beneficial bacteria and nitrogen cycle is not yet complete. Food is crucial for any fish or livestock to survive. Therefore, when you leave for vacation, you want to make sure it can survive with efficient food. Remember, if you leave for an extended period, your aquarium is more likely to function well with an older and established system.

How Long will the Tank be Left Alone?

Time is crucial when it comes to leaving your aquarium alone. For example, an aquarium that is left alone for only a couple of hours will function fine. However, if you leave for multiple days, there may be a problem. When you leave your aquarium alone, there is time and possibility of something going wrong. For example, I have heard of one hobbyist leaving the aquarium home alone for a couple of days. When the person got back, the aquarium was leaking and flooding the room. Do not take for granted a couple of days. If you are going on vacation and leaving your aquarium, have a friend or neighbor check on it every day. Aquarium fish can survive two to three days without being fed. Some people even debate about getting an aquarium since they take time to maintain. However, take a couple of precautions before leaving. 

Clean the Filter

The most important factor before leaving your house is to clean the filtration system. The filtration system is the bread and butter of keeping your aquarium clean. If the filter is not clean, the bad bacteria will get stuck and overflow the aquarium with fish waste and bacteria. I have seen horror stories of filters getting clogged with plants and waste. The clogging causes the aquarium to become covered with algae. Not only is the green algae ugly to look at, but the algae is also an indicator of the fish tank going south. Before leaving for vacation, always check the filter and insert new filter media. If you do not use a filter media, replace the filter sock or the filter lining. 

Conduct a Water Change

Water changes ensure the water in your aquarium is healthy and fresh for your fish! Water can get cloudy and unhealthy due to water changes not being conducted. However, if you perform weekly water changes, your fish will be happy and healthy! Changing the water eliminates all unnecessary water parameters such as nitrites, nitrates, and ammonia. If you have a saltwater aquarium, make sure your salinity is accurate with the ideal measurements. If any parameters are off when you leave your house, there may be a disaster when you leave. Even if your water is accurate, you want to change the current water to make sure the quality will be fine when you get back!

Ask a Friend to Check on the Aquarium

If you have a close friend or someone in the hobby, have them check on the aquarium while you are gone. Anything can go wrong with the fish tank at any moment. Therefore, having an extra set of eyes on the system will prevent anything major from happening. The most common emergency that occurs in an aquarium is the fish tank leaking. Therefore, have your fish babysitter check for any wet spots on the floor or around the aquarium system. When you leave your aquarium home alone, make sure to close all of the blinds that can cause sunlight to reflect on your aquarium. Avoiding direct sunlight will help your aquarium not obtain any algae while you are gone. Do your friend a favor and leave some money for them to watch the aquarium!

How can I Feed my Fish While I am Gone?

Just because you have an aquarium does not mean that you can not take vacations. In reality, most people get a fish tank because they see the amazing saltwater fish while on vacation! Therefore, you have options when it comes to caring for your aquarium. Listed below are several ways your aquarium can be cared for while you are gone. Analyze each possible solution to determine which way is the best fit for your home and fish. In the end, it is your choice to decide how to care for the fish.

Get a Friend to Feed the Fish

The cheapest and most trustworthy way to care for your fish while being on vacation is getting a friend to feed the fish. All you have to do is give your friend a key to the house and have them feed the fish once a day. There are several types of fish and food in each aquarium. Make sure the friend has a clear idea of how much to feed the fish. If they feed the fish too much food, the aquarium will start to spiral down. Also, make sure the friend knows what to feed the fish. Usually, fish flakes or brine shrimp are the norms for aquariums. However, if you have bottom feeders, pellets may be necessary. Leave a long note for your friend so that they specifically know how to care for the fish tank!

Hire a Company

Another great method of caring for your fish is hiring a local service company to care for the aquarium. For example, the local fish store by my house offers service at 90 dollars per hour. However, the downside to this method is that the care will be expensive. You typically receive what you pay. Therefore, with the service team caring for the aquarium, you know the system will be in good hands. If you can afford it, paying for a professional team is the best method while you are gone. Make sure they are reputable. You do not want random people in your house.

Purchase an Automatic Feeder

The ultimate cheapest way to care for your aquarium while you are gone is to purchase an automatic feeder for your aquarium. This method is best for people that do not trust their friends with the aquarium. However, the downside is that the fish may be over/underfed. Having too much food will cause the water parameters to fluctuate. With the aquarium being underfed, the fish may starve. Therefore, analyze the methods above and determine which way of caring for your fish is the best for you. When deciding, keep in mind the financial factors, as well as the security of your own home.

In Conclusion

In conclusion, vacations are still possible when you own an aquarium! You have to analyze the possible methods of caring for the fish tank while you are gone! We recommend having a friend stopping by and caring for the tank. This method is the best for the overall system of your aquarium. You can show your friend what to properly feed them and how to care for the system. The method also makes it the cheapest option. All you have to do is take your friend out for drinks when you return!

Before leaving, make sure your aquarium has been running for a long time and is established. If you leave a new aquarium alone for an extended period, the parameters of the water might change. You want to keep your fish tank’s water as stable as possible. Show the friend how to wipe the walls and what to check for while you are gone from the house. I have heard horror stories of people checking on aquariums and almost killing the fish. With a quick lesson and precautions, your fish tank will be fine! If you have any questions, feel free to send us a message! When it comes to your aquarium, we want to help!

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