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The 10 Best Saltwater Fish For Beginners

Best Saltwater Fish For Beginners

Many saltwater aquarium fanatics argue what saltwater is the best for a beginner aquarium owner. However, we will be naming our top 10 saltwater fish for a marine aquarium setup. After each fish is listed, a diagnostic will be proved on why they are the best fish for saltwater aquariums. With the selection of these fish, we bet that your saltwater fish tank will run smoothly to keep your fish alive. When starting the saltwater hobby fresh, make sure to check out the saltwater fish compatibility chart.

When choosing saltwater fish, it is tempting to pick the most colorful fish. Unfortunately, not all fish can go together because of size, aggression, and diet. Before making any decisions, you have to complete extensive research on the aquarium fish you are interested in buying. If not, the fish in your aquarium won’t stay alive. Fish are live pets. Therefore you should do everything in your power to keep them alive and healthy.

The 10 Best Saltwater Fish for Beginners

The fish below represent the ten best saltwater fish for beginners. The recommendation is that you do extensive research before specifically choosing anything. Make sure to visit your local fish store with any questions regarding the care for your saltwater fish. Enjoy our list of the ten best saltwater fish for beginners!

Yellowtail Damselfish

The Yellowtail Damselfish is an option for any aquarium beginner. For a new saltwater aquarium, these damsels are the first fish to be put in to ensure your saltwater aquarium is healthy. The damsel gets along with most fish and is very hardy for any fish tank beginner. Therefore, making this a fish for anyone with a reef aquarium or fish only.

Coral Beauty Angelfish

Coral Beauty Angelfish is one of the hardiest and interesting saltwater fish for beginners. Many aquarium newbies view this saltwater fish as the backbone of an aquarium. With an active swimming radius and vibrant colors, this saltwater fish attracts all levels of aquarium hobbyists. With a low price point of $30-$100 depending on size, this fish is in high demand!

Ocellaris Clownfish (Captive Bred)

The ocellaris clownfish is also known as Nemo in Finding Nemo and Finding Dory. Therefore, making this a wanted fish for saltwater aquarium beginners. Clownfish are generally very hardy fish and can deal with moderate shifting levels of water parameters. Being hardy allows aquarium beginners to have some room with having exact water parameters. The ocellaris clownfish is also known for being a fantastic fish for saltwater beginners because of the low price they offer. Expect to spend around $20 to $40 for these clownfish, depending on the size at the local fish store.

Six Line Wrasse

The six-line wrasse is a fantastic saltwater fish for beginners due to the low price and the activity of the fish in the aquarium. This wrasse is very active in the saltwater aquarium and found swimming around the live rock and in-between decor in the aquarium. The attractive color on this fish will also have saltwater aquarium beginners buzzing for more!

Pajama Cardinalfish

The Pajama Cardinalfish is fantastic for saltwater aquarium beginners because of the peaceful temperaments they show in the aquarium. This fish tends to blend in well with any community aquarium and offers the natural color that saltwater fish collectors look to collect. With a price tag of usually less than $30, this saltwater fish is an easy option for even the most advanced collectors!


The Foxface species are great for any beginner aquarium hobbyist because of their peaceful nature and the ability to show when they are stressed. These beginner saltwater fish will turn dark and stick their spikes up to show that they are stressed out. Another way to tell when they are stressed is their action to stay in the corners of the aquariums and not be active. However, one piece of caution is that they are venomous. Therefore keep a proper distance from them when cleaning the aquarium. Regarding the price, these beginner saltwater fish are a bit more expensive and can range a bit south of $100.

Bicolor Blenny

Bicolor Blennies are a fan favorite for saltwater aquarium beginners because of their quirky appearance and active movement. When these saltwater fish aren’t moving, you can find them perched upon a piece of live rock or coral. Any beginner who has this fish in their aquarium will be entertained for hours watching its unique movements. Regarding price, this beginner fish will cost a bit less than $40, and usually, their survival rate for a new aquarium is relatively high!

Niger Triggerfish


Triggerfish are sought after for beginners because they are the fish most commonly seen when going scuba diving in places like Hawaii. After scuba diving, many people develop a need for these aquariums in their homes! The good news is that triggerfish are relatively easy to care for in an aquarium. However, they can only be placed in saltwater aquariums that have more aggressive fish. The price range can be relatively cheap for these fish ranging in size. For extra-large triggerfish, expect to pay north of $100. Triggerfish need a ton of room to swim, so a larger aquarium is a must for their unique fins and swimming movements. 

Yellow Tang

The yellow tang may be the most iconic fish when it comes to the aquarium hobby. Their vibrant yellow color attracts even the most experienced and advanced saltwater aquarium fanatics. However, although being a tang, this saltwater fish is relatively easy to care for in an aquarium. It is crucial to make sure yellow tangs have vegetation in their diet to keep a healthy immune system. Beginner aquarists must have a large aquarium for these fish because of how active they are in the saltwater aquarium setting. However, keep an eye on ich becoming visible on these fish! 

Flame Angelfish

These angelfish make some of the best saltwater fish for beginners because of their hardy nature. When you first see the Flame Angelfish, a vibrant color consisting of red and black is present. These beautiful colors on the fish attract just about any beginner or advanced specialist. However, these fish can cost quite a bit when shopping at local fish stores. Like the coral beauty angelfish, these fish are very active and can be spotted swimming all over the saltwater aquarium.

In Conclusion

Starting a new saltwater aquarium is an exciting time for everyone! However, before jumping into anything, make sure to do in-depth research on EVERYTHING! You don’t want to get stuck doing something you didn’t know about before getting into the hobby. I remember when I first started ten years ago, I had about ten fish die in the first month. I had no idea what I was doing, which I paid for painfully.

When it comes to selecting fish for a beginner, make sure the fish you are getting is hardy. Usually, as a beginner, water parameters tend to be unstable. Therefore, having fish that can survive a ton is a necessity. When it comes to buying an aquarium, larger aquariums tend to produce better. Larger aquariums allow you to have some more room to play with regarding the perfection of water.

Lastly, make sure to form a close connection with your local fish store. I don’t recommend going to places like Petco or PetSmart. Those settings don’t have proper aquatic specialists.

Enjoy this list of saltwater fish for beginners!

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