Best Coral for the top of Your Fish Tank

To make your aquarium stand out, you need to use beautiful fish tank corals that complement your tank but are also easy to maintain and feed. There are many different kinds of coral reefs out there, but you need to find the ones that can survive the artificial conditions of your reef tank. Corals may require saltwater or freshwater, have different diets, and may grow only at optimal temperatures. If you’re confused about your coral choices, this blog has your name written on it!

Corals look exquisite on top of fish tanks, where they receive a fair amount of light and, therefore, attention. Corals must be placed at angles where they also serve as hiding spots for your fish. If you’ve bred fish before, you might know that some species of fish may gobble up their offspring if they’re agitated or hungry. Corals serve as safe spots for baby fish, where they can hide until they’re of age.

This blog will inform you about the best coral you can place in the most prominent places of your fish tank. Read on below for our innovative suggestions regarding your beloved aquarium!

The top 10 Corals for Your Fish Tank

We’ve put together a list of the top 10 fish tank coral for you to choose from. Corals have very confusing names that often differ from vendor to vendor. The range of names for the same type of coral isn’t as big as the range of prices, though! The same fish tank coral species can have varying prices depending on its structure, color, and health. When you’re out bargaining with a vendor, you should have basic knowledge about fish tank corals. We don’t want to get scammed now, do we?

Once you’ve understood how to distinguish between different types of fish tank coral, learn their favorite kinds of foods as well. Some corals have polyp-mouths, while others are simple absorbent species. If you want your coral to grow and thrive, some effort is a must!

Here are some blanket names and descriptions of the ten best fish tank coral that will look exquisite in your aquarium.


If you’re a newbie aquarist, your best bet is the mushroom coral! They’re the easiest to care for and can reproduce quickly. You may even start your own small mushroom coral breeding business if you learn to care for them well. Moreover, they’re an inexpensive kind of fish tank coral. For beginners, a small investment is the wisest choice.

Although these corals aren’t that popular, they come in different colors and hues that emanate in the right illumination. Nonetheless, they’re popular amongst fish! Most fishes find the mushroom fish tank coral to be an excellent spot to hide and relax.

Caulastrea (Candy Cane Corals)

The candy cane coral has a bunch of different names! Call it the trumpet, torch, or the bullseye coral- it’s high value will never change. The Caulastrea is a large polyp stony coral that has a vibrant, fluorescent color. They’re relatively easy to care for and grow at a steady, manageable pace. All you need for the candy cane coral to grow is good water regulation in the fish tank and sufficient light. It’s best to place this fish tank coral on top, a little distance away from your overhead lighting. This way, it stays in the spotlight and even grows towards it!


What if you get a water parameter monitor and a beautiful fish tank coral in a single package? That’ll be quite the haul, indeed! The Duncan coral is a natural indicator that monitors water parameters automatically. This fish tank coral is resistant to most environments and is fun to watch, too. That’s because the Duncan coral reacts to feeding. It’s a fascinating experience for reef-lovers!

Bubble Corals

Bubble corals are beautiful and bubbly if you haven’t guessed already! They are a beginner’s favorite and bring life to your aquarium. Your fish will have a blast living with this fish tank coral. They’ll play around the bubbly apertures all day long!

Bubble corals sway and swing around in the water, making your fish tank catch the attention it deserves. They grow at a relatively faster rate and are big, so be sure to have an adequate-sized aquarium. You can even breed your fish tank coral and sell them later for a profit. They come in white, light pink, and neon green. Choose a color that matches the aesthetic of your fish tank!


Also known as the frogspawn, torches, or hammer corals, this fish tank coral has large polyps that stand out because of their fluorescent tips. They’re a robust and resistant type of coral that can adapt to any position in your fish tank. They’re slow growers and don’t need to be highly maintained, so if you’re looking for a comfortable yet aesthetically fantastic option for your fish tank- look no further!

Having some version of Euphyllia in your fish tank is the right choice. This fish tank coral also sways and interacts with fish, so you’re prone to be entertained by your aquarium having Euphyllia in it.

Green Star Polyps

Green star polyps grow real fast! They can take over your fish tank if not maintained every so often. If you have some experience keeping corals, you can try out the Green Star Polyps. They sway only when open and have a brilliant neon green color. To avoid any encrusting issues, you can place this fish tank coral in isolated areas that don’t pose a threat of Green Star encapturing your entire aqua space.


We believe everyone’s heard of Xenia. It is one of the fastest-growing fish tank corals that offers you a wholesome aquatic package. The Xenia has many varieties you can choose from. All of these types are beautiful and unique! The pulsing type of Xenia corals is by-far the most popular.

The reason behind this popularity is their unique pulsing motion. Xenia has tentacles that rhythmically open and close depending on the time of the day. The only setback with this coral is its fast reproduction rate. It’s best to keep this fish tank coral in a large-sized tank, isolated on an island to inhibit its growth. If you’re a lazy aquarist, you’re better off choosing a low-maintenance fish tank coral instead!

Weeping Willow Toadstool

This type of fish tank coral is leathery and soft to touch instead of the other stony kinds. Although most people expect such soft corals to be fragile, that is not the case here. The weeping willow toadstool is a strong-resistant fish tank coral with fast growth rates even in non-optimal water parameters.

That’s not all, though! This fish tank coral is an absolute favorite for us because it soaks up unwanted nutrients from the fish tank waters. If you’re a newbie or accidentally overfed your fish tank, this fish tank coral will filter out the excessive harmful nutrients in the water. This type of coral is your aquarium maintainer!

Sinularia Leather

Do you find swaying 3D phone wallpapers soothing to watch? The Sinularia Leather is a soft coral with appendages that swing with the rhythm of the water inside your fish tank. It imitates oceanic movements and gives your reef a sense of movement. Watching your aquarium will become a mode of catharsis if you keep this fish tank coral! Sinularia exists in different colors, pink, yellow, purple, red, and shades of beige. The Sinualria grow at a fast rate. Fortunately, they can be easily pruned back with coral sheers, so maintaining them isn’t that big of a hassle.


Zoanthids are like tiny flowers in your fish tank! This fish tank coral comes in a variety of colors. If you want a colorful fish tank, you can mix and match with different kinds of Zoanthids to decorate your aquaspace. Some aquarists collect hundreds of distinctly colored Zoanthids as an obsessive hobby!

Although we don’t want to initiate an obsession on your side, Zoanthids are a very good choice for your fish tanks and go well with all kinds of fish. However, you may end up with a tank full of Zoanthids if you don’t control their growth.

The Best Coral for the top of Your Tank

Now that you have your coral reef shopping list with you, you can make a clear decision. Decide on the best coral for the top of your tank keeping in view the types of fishes you have. If you keep corals that match the colors of your fish, they will be able to hide more easily. This means that you may have a harder time finding your fish!

Choose the fish tank coral that stands out in the right illumination. Fluorescent kinds of corals will glow in the dark, giving your house a unique touch. However, if you find glow in dark corals unsettling, try out other options. The best part about corals is that there are hundreds to choose from! We hope this blog was of some use to you. Stay tuned for more aquarium keeping tips and tricks!
