Best Saltwater Fish for 50 Gallon Tank

Many people say that keeping saltwater fish is harder than keeping freshwater fish. However, with proper care and precautions, anyone can be successful at keeping saltwater fish. Selecting saltwater fish for an aquarium can be quite tricky at times. There are so many beautiful fish that are desired by hobbyists! However, the most important factor is the size of the fish. You need to keep track of how big the fish get for a 50-gallon aquarium. Having an aquarium is like having a piece of beautiful art in your home. Friends, clients, and colleagues will be impressed with the uniqueness and stunning beauty of the fish you have. Therefore, picking the best-looking fish is always crucial for a WOW factor in your home.

Best Saltwater Fish

Are you debating about getting a saltwater aquarium? We recommend that you take the leap of faith and get one as soon as possible. With most people being stuck at home because of sickness, this is the perfect addition to a home office! An aquarium is also ideal for space where your family spends a lot of time. An aquarium can become a passion and a hobby for the whole family!

In this article, we will go over some of the best saltwater fish for a 50-gallon fish tank. These fish will all be provided with a description of diet, reef option, and size! No need to dig around on other websites, we have all the information on saltwater fish here! Check out these fish below at your local fish stores. Always ask them about availability and prices!

Coral Beauty Angelfish

As stated in other articles, we are HUGE fans of the Coral Beauty Angelfish. This fish can be placed with a variety of soft and hard corals throughout an aquarium. The mix of purple, blue, and yellow will make your whole aquarium pop with color. They also can be housed with a bunch of fish of different sizes, breeds, and quality. Overall they are easy to care for and contain a hardy element that makes it difficult to kill. Go to your local fish store as soon as possible to get one!

Flame Hawkfish

The Flame hawkfish presents a unique and beautiful aspect of any aquarium. Hawkfish don’t require a lot of room to swim, so a smaller aquarium is perfect. They eat a diet of tiny brine shrimp and the occasional meaty options. However, if you get shrimp in your aquarium, make sure they are large enough, so they don’t get eaten by this fish. They can go with most corals. However, they have been studied to nip at some soft corals. With proper care, this fish will be in your 50-gallon aquarium for a long time!

Blue Spotted Puffer

The Blue Spotted Puffer is one of the most unique and inspiring saltwater fish in the hobby. These fish are very peaceful and can be housed with most community fish. However, they can be harmful to shrimp and other inverts in a home aquarium. They present a popping orange and blue appearance that many hobbyists sought. Their diet should consist of meaty foods that are rich in proteins. Usually, this puffer doesn’t grow that big. Therefore, a 50-gallon aquarium would be perfect! This fish can also be used in a reef aquarium. However, they are known to eat polyps at times. If kept in a reef aquarium, make sure to keep an eye on them often!

Niger Triggerfish

The Niger Triggerfish can be found off the coast of many beautiful beaches. They can also be found in a 50-gallon saltwater aquarium at times! One thing to keep in mind when keeping a triggerfish is the aggressiveness they present to other fish tank members. They are known to beat up smaller community fish, as well as smaller aggressive fish. Make sure to keep inverts out of the aquarium with triggerfish being present. Triggers will eat anything tiny and meaty! When housing triggerfish, make sure to feed them food with shells. Shells allow their teeth to condense when growing.

Sailfin Tang

Here come the Tang Police!! If you have a small tang, you can keep them in a 55-gallon saltwater aquarium. However, once they get too big, make sure to upgrade your system or give them away to a new home. These tangs can be housed with just about any community or semi-aggressive fish. However, if placed with small fish, aggression can sometimes be present. Make sure to feed them meaty food in a conservative manner to make sure they don’t grow too fast. The Sailfin Tang can also be housed in an aquarium with corals, Tangs usually do great with soft or hard corals. Add this to your aquarium now!


If you are an experienced hobbyist, getting a seahorse aquarium might be the best option for you! They provide such an elegant and classy aquarium for your home. They can usually be found stuck to decor or grass with their tails wrapped around everything! However, when having a seahorse, they should only be housed with their species. Therefore don’t put them in an aquarium with other fish such as Tangs, Angelfish, and Clownfish! However, they can live with peaceful and shy fish that don’t have rapid movements. These seahorses should be fed brine shrimp for the best results. Don’t place small inverts in the aquarium. Large fish may harm them. Always do your research before purchasing a seahorse!

Where to buy a 50 Gallon Tank?

When searching for an aquarium, it is crucial not to get ripped off. Some local fish stores may be asking a hefty price. However, they usually come with a warranty and safety. As a consumer, you have the option to either buy a new or used aquarium. Listed below, we will go over where to purchase a 50-gallon tank for a new or used fish tank!


When purchasing a 50-gallon tank, Craigslist may be the best option for the best deal! However, this comes with a bunch of risks. There are a ton of scammers that may sell you an aquarium with a leak. With a leak being present, your home will be flooded with unwanted water. Therefore, whenever you are about to purchase a fish tank from Craigslist, make sure to see it filled up first!

Local Fish Store

Your local fish store may be the best option when it comes to quality and security. However, the price tag will be huge compared to other options. A ton of local fish stores has the option of warranties and service plans. If you can afford this, your local fish store will be the best option. However, if you’re on a budget, alternative routes may be the best with correct precautions.

Facebook Marketplace

Like Craigslist, this option is cheap compared to your local fish store. Facebook also offers you the reference to see who is selling the aquarium. Facebook presents you with more security if something was to go wrong, such as a leak or scam. Make sure to always look around for options, sleep on the idea of what you would like to purchase!

In Conclusion

When choosing fish for your saltwater 50-gallon aquarium, do as much research as possible. It is crucial to see which fish are compatible with each other to reduce the stress of death. If the fish get stressed out, they might develop disease and sickness, which will ruin your aquarium. Also, you must select a fish that you think is beautiful! An aquarium is like art, you should choose the pieces and displays that you think look the best!
