Good Fish for Aquarium

Having an aquarium in your house has many health advantages, including stress reduction and blood pressure reduction. Freshwater tanks are easier to maintain than saltwater tanks, and their inhabitants are more accepting of newcomers’ errors. Freshwater fish has its exquisite collection of vibrant and unique species that bring life to your aquarium.

It’s difficult not to get enamored of your freshwater fish and their distinct personalities, whether you’re a young or experienced aquarium owner. Let’s take a peek at the top freshwater fish to add to your aquarium. These fish are considered good fish for aquarium!

Neon Tetra

The Neon Tetra is a small, tiny, and easy-to-care-after freshwater fish suitable for new owners. It’s one of the most well-known species on this list. They are short-lived, only reaching a length of 2.2 cm! It’s best to keep them in packs and tanks of gravel, trees, and other hiding places. Neon Tetra is identifiable by their brilliant red streak running down their backs and their blue bodies.


Guppies are another fish that make excellent first-time pets. They’re straightforward to care for; however, if the sex isn’t split, they’ll breed with each other quickly. Males are more flamboyant than females, and they come in a variety of shades. Guppies are common because they can adapt to a variety of water environments and have vibrant personalities. It’s critical to maintain a stable water temperature (around 50°F – 84°F (10-29°C) so they can thrive in their tanks. 


Mollies are a great freshwater species that are easy to care for because they are small and easygoing. These fish are omnivorous, meaning they consume both plants and animals and grow 3 to 4 inches long. This freshwater critter is unique in that, unlike other fish, it gives birth to its young. Mollies, like Guppies, love to mate but have just one gender in your tank if you don’t want a couple of them. 

Betta fish

Another common freshwater aquarium fish is the Betta fish, also known as the Siamese Battle Fish. They come in a wide range of stunning colors and are, for the most part, laid-back. Betta fish, particularly males, are known for being aggressive and territorial with other fish. Betta fish can be housed in a big tank with other fish species if they are peaceful. Avoid putting them in tanks of Guppies or other similar-looking Fish. It would be best if you also put them in separate tanks with their substrate and seeds. 


The Goldfish, another common freshwater fish, is a spectacular species that can attain lengths of up to 14 inches in the wild. Some wild goldfish live for up to 25 years or more! Your pet Goldfish can live in a tank that is at least 20 gallons in size in captivity. Weekly water changes and filter repairs need for these fish. Goldfish are available in a wide range of shapes, heights, colors, and breeds.


Angelfish are common freshwater fish that can grow up to 6 inches long and 8 inches tall and are members of the Cichlid family. They’re adorable and come in a variety of colors and patterns. Plants and other species, such as small insects and shrimp, can be eaten, but small fish can avoid them. Angelfish can be territorial and aggressive (though not to the same degree as a Betta fish), holding them in a tank with few other fish. 

Golden Dwarf Barbs

Golden Dwarf Barbs are a lesser-known freshwater fish that makes an excellent first aquarium fish. They can reach a maximum size of 1.5 inches and easily identifiable by their golden yellow coloration and black markings on the body. When kept in a tank of seeds, Golden Dwarf Barbs flourish. In a tank, no more than 5 of these freshwater species can contain.


The rainbowfish is a less famous but easy-to-care-for fish. Their bright colors don’t even start to show up until they’ve reached maturity. And so, with good treatment and upkeep, the wait is well worth it. These fish can be shy, but they are usually peaceful in their ponds with other fish. Barbs and tetras get along swimmingly with rainbowfish.

Zebra Danios

The Zebra Danios is a small, low-maintenance fish that grows up to 7 cm in length and is ideal for beginners. They must be kept in groups because they are schooling fish; otherwise, they can become very nervous. Worms, spiders, and crustaceans are favorite foods of Zebra Danios. They may also feed regular fish flake food, although we suggest spicing up their diet. Since these fish critters have a habit of leaping out of cages, keep the tank sealed.


Platies (Platy trout) are beautiful freshwater fish that come in a variety of vibrant colors. They are generally peaceful fish that do well in groups. They get along well with guppies and mollies, and they’re friendly! Platies like a variety of plant-based and protein-based foods, but they may also consume meat-based foods.

Dwarf Gouramis

The Dwarf Gourami (Trichogaster lalius) is a smaller gourami species that originated in South Asia as a peaceful, shy fish. They are Labyrinth Fish, which means they breathe directly from the air and hence need surface entry. This breed is in high demand because of its vivid, varying coloration, including powder blue, blaze red, and rainbow patterns. They have a low mortality rate and don’t need much assistance to live for four years or longer. Meaty and algae-based diets are suitable for these easygoing omnivores.

Because of their nonviolent demeanor and ability to quickly acclimate, they are a perfect group fish. They only achieve a total size of 2.5 inches and need a 10-20 gallon aquarium. As a result, a dimly lit tank with lots of rooted and floating plants would be perfect for them. However, since they are vulnerable to various tropical fish diseases, it is crucial to disinfect their water regularly. They are resilient and can withstand both rough and soft water.


Catfish (Siluriformes), also known as Cory Cats, have a long history in Brazil, South America, and the Upper Rio Guapore. There are plenty of them available nationwide, with 140 different varieties to pick from and prices starting at $6 or more, making them an aquarium must-have. They have a calm demeanor despite being bottom-feeding catfish with a lifetime of up to twenty years.

They are a rather sociable species that thrives in mixed-species population tanks. They’ll require a soft-bottom tank of 30 gallons of water because of their bubbly personality, even though most species only grow up to 3 inches. When it comes to careful tank washing, they are admirable and duty-driven. They are constantly picking up food scraps from the gravel. Even so, a well-balanced diet consisting of dry, frozen live, and flaked foods is required to satisfy their omnivorous appetite.

Don’t forget about their nutritional requirements, and make sure you’re providing the best catfish food you can as responsible fish keepers. We’ve assembled a list of the best to make it simpler for you to feed them a well-balanced diet.


The Swordtail (Xiphophorus hellerii) is a North and Central American species. They are by far the most common species to date and are rated as a “beginners only” good fish. Even though they are ideally suited for that position, these Fish are more than just beginner fish.

Because of their simple care routine, this widely sought-after freshwater fish is a crowd-pleaser at a bargain price of $5. They belong in a group habitat because of their social characteristics. However, they should keep themselves alone because they might be aggressive towards other males of the same species.

They typically attract the attention of hobbyists due to their distinct sword-like tail and will to live. Another thing to consider is the incredible variety of choices available. Marigold, Red Velvet, Black Nubian, Pineapple, and other varieties are available. They can grow to be about 4 inches long, so 20 gallons of water is needed to keep them alive (25-28 degrees Celsius). When it comes to water, however, they have low expectations. Their omnivorous appetites can be satisfied by commercially produced foods. Vegetable-based flakes, tubifex bloodworms, brine shrimp, and plant-based diets with algae are some examples.

Firemouth Cichlids

The Swordtail (Xiphophorus hellerii) is a species native to North and Central America. They are by far the most common species to date and are considered a good fish for “beginners only.” These Fish are more than just beginner fish, even though they are well suited for that role.

This famous freshwater fish is a crowd-pleaser at a bargain price of $5, thanks to their easy-care routine. Because of their social characteristics, they belong in a group habitat. However, they should hold alone because they might be hostile toward other males of the same species.

Due to their distinct sword-like tail and will to live, they typically attract the attention of hobbyists. Another factor to consider is the vast array of options available. Other varieties include Marigold, Red Velvet, Black Nubian, Pineapple, and others. They can grow up to 4 inches long, requiring 20 gallons of water to keep them alive (25-28 degrees Celsius). They, on the other hand, have low standards when it comes to water. Commercially generated foods can satiate their omnivorous appetites. Some examples include vegetable-based flakes, tubifex bloodworms, brine shrimp, and plant-based diets with algae. 
