What Fish can Live With a Goldfish?

Although taking care of a goldfish is pretty simple, finding a suitable tank mate that will live with them peacefully requires more effort. There a ton of fish that can live with goldfish, though, and you may choose from the variety. However, choosing is one thing. A fish makes a formidable partnership with your goldfish is another. The resilient nature of the goldfish doesn’t guarantee that you should go ahead and throw in any breed of fish in the tank. Doing so may put the well-being and life of the goldfish at risk.

Every fish has different needs. The sooner you understand this, the better. Some fish like saltwater, others freshwater, others like cold water, while others prefer warm water. Think of this, selecting Bettas to be your goldfish’s tank mate. Doesn’t it sound crazy? The Betta is an aggressive, warm water fish. Adding it to your goldfish’s aquarium will be a terrible idea. This is due to the incompatible temperaments and living conditions.

What Aquatic Fish can Live With Goldfish?

Since you desire to give all your fish and healthy and happier environment, you must choose tank mates that like the same conditions. So, when choosing the ideal tank mate for your goldfish, ensure you select one that prefers the same tank conditions and has a gentle temperament. To ensure the health and safety of every other species in the aquarium, you should also ensure that the selected partner meets several requirements. The following are the best tank mates that will survive with your goldfish very well.

White Cloud Mountain Minnow

This type of fish requires a water temperature of 64-79°F and a water Ph of 6.0 to 8.0. They are peaceful and very hardy. White Cloud Mountain Minnow can be kept in a minimum tank size of 10 gallons. They are beautiful, inexpensive, easy to care for, and an excellent beginner fish that will give your goldfish the perfect companion. For more best fish, read on The 10 Best Saltwater Fish For Beginners. Their attributes don’t end there. These peace-loving fish can thrive in the same environment as your goldfish. They are an outstanding tank mate for goldfish because of their ability to live in lower water temperatures.

If you think it will starve your goldfish, you are wrong. White cloud mountain minors don’t exhibit the habit of scrambling for food. They prefer to feed on leftovers than to engage in the scramble. That is why they are termed as peaceful. As the minnow is the schooling school fish that doesn’t do well on their own, you’ll need to add 5 to 6 minnows to your fish tank to partner with the goldfish. This number helps to increase the size of their schooling and enables them to survive in the goldfish community.

Zebra Danios

They grow to a maximum size of two inches, and the fish are hardy and prefer a water Ph ranging from 6.5 to 7.0. The zebra danios or popularly known as the Zebrafish, prefer relatively low temperatures. This aspect makes them an ideal partner for the goldfish. Concerning temperatures, you should be wary not to keep them extremely low. Low temperatures affect the fish’s health, which exposes them to numerous diseases. The peaceful temperament of the fish is another reason that makes them a great option to partner with the goldfish. Although the goldfish have a habit of eating up small fish when hungry, this can’t happen with the goldfish and should therefore not be a point of concern. The zebra danios have a fast speed that makes them active swimmers. They are capable of outswimming any fish that may try to eat them.

As an aquarist, you should also know that, although zebrafish may form a formidable partnership with the goldfish, it may not be so with all the goldfish breeds. The common goldfish, the shubunkin, and the comet will be ideal tank mates with the zebrafish, but not the fancy goldfish breeds. Fancy goldfish breeds tend to be very slow and maybe therefore starved to death by the zebra danios, who are very fast. The zebra danios should be kept in groups of at least five or more since they thrive in schools.

Other Goldfish: Comet

These grow to a maximum size of four inches, and the fish are hardy and peaceful too. Goldfish exist in a variety of breeds. The various species of goldfish are not limited, the celestial eye goldfish, telescope eye, shubunkin, and the common goldfish. Goldfish tend to get along very well with their kind. However, do not put widely varying breeds in the tank as it’s not a good idea. Always find a species that is a good fit for each other. Fast and powerful common goldfish, comet, and shubunkin should not be kept in the same tank with slow-moving fancy goldfish. The factor is because the latter won’t survive as they will be starved to death. The other precaution is that the larger species of goldfish tend to eat smaller species. As such, species should be kept in the same tank for whichever reason.

Weather Loaches

The loach is an ideal fish for beginners that grow to a maximum size of 12 inches. They are peaceful, hardy, and can be kept in a minimum tank size of 20 gallons. Weather loaches are also known as oriental weather loaches or pond loaches. They have an interesting behavior – they are meteorologically gifted and are used by scientists to predict natural disasters and weather changes.

Weather loaches are also a called water species that enjoy the same environment as the goldfish. The peace-loving goldfish will also like the peaceful temperament of weather loaches. Apart from the community nature, the fish is also easy to care for in an aquarium. Weather loaches prefer to be in a company of their own and should therefore be kept in groups of at least three or more. Weather loaches grow to a maximum size of 12 inches. A larger tank is, therefore, preferable to house them with your goldfish. And since they love burrowing, you should ensure to provide them with fine gravel substrate or sand. The element makes them happy and keeps them from stress too.

Bristlenose Pleco

They require a minimum tank of the size of 40 gallons. They are peaceful, hardy, and grow to maximum growth of 5 inches. Bristlenose Pleco originates in the rapid-flowing waters of the Amazon River Basin. They get along very well with their tank mates of similar temperament. They are herbivores who spend part of their time foraging through the aquarium for algae and other dead organic materials. The element helps keep your aquarium cleaner. Your cleaning and maintenance expenses are also reduced. For more information about fish that eat algae read our article on What Aquarium Freshwater Fish Eat Algae?

Although the Bristlenose Pleco feeds on algae and other dead organic material, they should still be fed daily or after two days. You may feed them with bloodworms, spirulina wafers, granules, or more algae. This type of fish also adapts well to varying environmental conditions. The choice helps you to the environment based on the needs of the goldfish. On the downside, the fish tends to get extremely territorial when housed with another male. As such, do not put two males together in a single tank.

Rosy Barbs

They grow to a maximum size of 6 inches, and the fish are hardy and peaceful like the goldfish. Their bodies are torpedo-shaped, the fish have vivid colors, with a community temperament. This type of fish is ideal for a beginner. When their social needs are satisfied, rosy barbs won’t interfere with your goldfish at all. Since it is a schooling fish, it requires the company of fellow rosy barbs in the aquarium to thrive. So, to save them from this stress, it is recommended that your fish tank should house at least five rosy barbs. Rosy barbs can be a good tank mate for your goldfish since they are hardy and enjoy colder water. They can also adapt to different types of water conditions.

Platy Fish

Our list for the best tank mates for goldfish can’t end without the mention of Platy. The Platy is a very peaceful fish that is omnivorous and grows to a maximum size of 2.5 inches. It is easy to care for and require a minimum tank size of 10 gallons. Although Platies are thought to be tropical fish, they can easily do well in the low 70s with the goldfish. Despite their small size, they are thick-bodied and come in a variety of colors and patterns. Instead of laying eggs, platies give birth to live young ones. Platies are fast-moving species that outswim a variety of species of goldfish. The species assures you that the goldfish can’t eat them. Finally, ensure that your goldfish get something to eat. Platies are fast swimmers and voracious eaters.

Final Thoughts

When it comes to choosing goldfish tank mates, your consideration should be your aquarium size. The setting of the tank is also vital. Our article on How to Set Up a Fish Tank elaborates this. Goldfish alone requires a lot of room and filtration since they produce more waste. Then if you want the best for your goldfish, be ready to provide for an aquarium. That includes water requirements and tank mates with similar temperaments.
